Flowdometer Documentation


Driveway is an exceptional Salesforce documentation tool we've so enjoyed using internally that we've used it for our public documentation. The guides on this page become interactive in your own Salesforce org, if you download the free Chrome Extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/driveway/cdekmndccoppabcjlfflndphloafcgpf

Flowdometer Installation

First, get Flowdometer installed into your org: https://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxListingDetail?listingId=a0N3A00000GB0VkUAL

Interactive Installation Guide: click Play 'Guide' or, just follow along with the preview below:

Time Tracking

Next, set up listeners to track changes to fields over time.

Interactive Time Tracking Guide: click Play 'Guide' or, just follow along with the preview below:

If you encounter any errors when setting up your tracker, please reach out to help@flowdometer.com for assistance. In the meantime, you can set up tracking manually by creating a quick automation in Flow Builder.

Goals / SLAs

Lastly* set up your goals for how long the steps in your process should take. As a baseline, pick an amount of time that is a bit longer than it should take.

Interactive Goalsetting Guide: click Play 'Guide' or, just follow along with the preview below:

*Even if missing targets is not meant to punish employees, best practices are to at least set conservative estimates for a process, to make sure you aren't bottlenecking in ways you haven't anticipated. Having goals also makes the Flowdometer Dashboards a lot more interesting.

Extending Flowdometer

Flowdometer is an open-source project that is designed to be built on top of. The Flow and Step objects can be added to with whatever fields are necessary for your use case.

Flowdometer data on my tracked record
For example, you might build some formula fields from your tracked object pointing at the Flow Tracker record that is tracking it. This would allow you to then pull in the data from the Flow record, and Most Recent Step record, including goal attainment progress bars, and put them directly on the tracked object. Imagine sorting all your opportunities by "Next Breach At" to prioritize hitting your goals.

Business Hours
Another example, Flowdometer doesn’t support business hours out of the box, but we’ve included another open source project from Unofficial SF that will allow you to calculate these times in Flow Builder. In Flow Builder, check out the flow template we made called "Flowdometer - Autocalculate Business Hours". In there, you'll see how you can use an Action (created by Professor Flow - thank you!) that will allow you to create whatever rules you have for different business hours in your company, and calculate them with this action.

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